This blog is where I post about my consulting work with Microsoft Technologies, and other random tidbits that don't fit in my Photo Blog or my Iraq Blog.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Repo: fullscreen bug in Silverlight 4 crashes browser in 4 mouse clicks

This app is a demonstration of a bug in Silverlight 4 that will crash your browser in about 4 mouse clicks.

Instructions: Click the "Full Screen Toogle" button and close the resulting messagebox a few times and then... poof!  (you might want to bookmark the page first :-)

Here is the code to reproduce the bug:


using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace Silverlight.Fullscreen.Bug
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        private bool firstClick = true;

        public MainPage()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (firstClick)
                //this firstclick logic is just a convienence so that you don't get a message box the first time the page opens
                //it is NOT need to reproduce the bug...
                image1.SizeChanged += Image_SizeChanged;
                firstClick = false;

            Application.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen = !Application.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen;

        private void Image_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs sizeChangedEventArgs)

UPDATE: This bug appears to be Windows specific. I can't reproduce it on a Mac...

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